Taber Extrusions: A Look Back, a Look Beyond
Since 1973, Taber Extrusions LLC has pioneered the extrusion of large, heavy and wide complex shapes to differentiate itself from the typical aluminum extrusion company. Since its inception, the Taber Extrusions brand has been synonymous with innovation, service and quality. All of our extrusions have, and will continue to be engineered, manufactured and tested in the United States. Taber Extrusions maintains its headquarters at the Russellville, Arkansas facility, with a Gulfport, Mississippi facility that includes a regional sales office, aluminum cast house and extrusion operations.
Today, Taber Extrusions continues to expand upon its operations and capabilities to retain the cutting-edge service that the company is known for.
Our recent aluminum cast house renovations now allow us to create aluminum billets in 8”, 9”, 11”, 16”, 20”, and slab sizes. We have unmatched access to the full range of aluminum alloys, without having to go through a middle man. Because Taber controls our billet casting, we have greater flexibility in our casting chemistry.
Learn more about our aluminum cast house renovations here:
We also continue our production of a wide range of aluminum extrusion sizes and shapes. Our aluminum extrusion capabilities can now utilize both hard and soft aluminum alloys, of the kind found in aerospace, marine and military applications. The company’s profile capabilities range from industry standard extrusions to intricate custom designs that meet specific needs. Our standard shape catalog includes rods, hollows, channels, beams, angles, tees, zees, and bars in a wide range of sizes.
Learn more about our updated extrusion capabilities here:
A modern aluminum extrusion company
After all this time, why do our customers continue to return to an aluminum extrusion company like Taber? It’s because we’re dedicated to innovation. We’re dedicated to finding intricate solutions for even the most complex extrusion request. While other extruders continue to focus on standard products and techniques, Taber’s work ethic and attention to the needs of the market allow Taber to create customized, versatile, high quality and market oriented products, that can satisfy a wide range of applications.
Want to get in touch with Taber? Our contact information can be found in the link below.