Yes, there’s a nonstop flow of news about cars and mobile devices using aluminum. But given the onslaught of criticism and/or praise we’re going to hear in the next few weeks over Ford’s big unveiling, we thought we’d lighten the mood a little bit here and focus on the internet’s favorite thing ever: cats.

Thanks to the internet, cats are no longer just our furry friends, they’re an endless source of fascination. The idea of using aluminum foil to keep cats off counters has been one thrown around anecdotally for ages, but now we’ve got video proof of it — and it’s pretty funny.


In some cases, you might need to tag-team the aluminum foil with some packing tape.


Why does this work? The simple idea is that cats don’t like the texture or noise of aluminum foil, so landing on it instead of a counter tile throws off their sensibilities. For some cats, it only takes a few times before the lesson is learned. Of course, cats can be pretty darn stubborn, so there’s no guarantee this will work — but if you’re recording it, you’ll at least have funny memories to share.