Taber Extrusions Social Study: Aluminum’s Economic Impact

Aluminum is everywhere. Many of the conveniences of modern life would not be possible without it. It is a crucial element for modern innovative applications, for sustainability, and also for the progress of the economy. Its strong and lightweight features and ability to be infinitely recycled propelled the U.S. aluminum industry to become the backbone of the nation’s manufacturing base. With the findings of research conducted by John Dunham & Associates and released by the Aluminum Association, this blog will delve deeper into the impact of aluminum on the United States’ economy.

The Aluminum Industry Generates Jobs
Several challenges have been presented to the industry in recent years, still, the aluminum market has shown a great deal of resilience. Even though the aluminum industry faced several challenges, including many job losses, growth in downstream segments like flat-rolled products and extrusions provided a way to compensate.
Today, the American aluminum industry directly employs over 166,000 people that generate more than 170 billion dollars in economic output. In addition, over 494,000 workers are indirectly employed, which contributes another 102 billion dollars to economic activity. As a whole, over 660,000 U.S. jobs are supported by the production, processing, and use of aluminum. Those employed in the aluminum industry earn an average yearly salary that is above the national average. Indirect employees contribute 44 billion dollars in wages and benefits to the economy. When all employment supported by the industry is considered, these jobs generate nearly 16 billion dollars in federal, state, and local taxes.

Aluminum Recycling Generates High-Value Economic Impact
Aside from being strong and lightweight, aluminum also has the advantage of retaining its properties, making it one of the most recyclable materials. Having said that, the aluminum industry has recycled more than 70 percent of its output since it was established.
Aluminum recycling conserves more than 90 percent of the energy costs required in primary production. Recycling a pound of aluminum saves about 7 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Also, it is the only material in the consumer disposal stream that generates a greater return than the cost of its collection. Every minute, an average of 113,000 aluminum cans are recycled. The aluminum industry pays a tremendous amount of money to replace empty aluminum cans. With the recycling of aluminum, specifically aluminum cans, charitable organizations have been developed and supported for decades and more decades to come.

Aluminum is a major contributor to the nation’s manufacturing base and economy, supporting thousands of jobs in many communities and regions. Over 660,000 workers are employed by the industry, which generates 170 billion dollars in economic output each year. Moreover, aluminum is considered to be a sustainable metal. This means it can be recycled multiple times without the risk of degrading breaking. Taber Extrusions understands the important role that aluminum plays in the nation’s economy and contributes to that role by providing various processing services related to aluminum. A few of these services include aluminum extrusions, micro extrusions, billet casting, aluminum fabrication, and friction stir welding.
Founded in 1973, Taber Extrusions is the pioneer of extruding rectangular billet, allowing the company to manufacture solid profiles up to 31 inches wide or hollow profiles up to 29 inches wide. With the purchase of an extrusion facility in Gulfport, MS, Taber expanded its capabilities with a state-of-the-art cast house, two additional presses, micro extrusion capability, and numerous fabrication expansions.
Taber continues to extrude billets in an array of alloys and sizes. Its markets have expanded beyond the military to include aerospace, automotive, marine, infrastructure, and sporting goods. For these markets, the company supplies cast and extruded products in various soft and hard alloys.
Today, Taber Extrusions is a vertically integrated supplier of friction stir welding panels and assemblies in North America not previously seen – offering extruded aluminum components, value-added machining services, and raw materials.
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